Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I just read some blogs from my friends and it makes me wanna write now..

Actually I dont have much things to say even though I just got back to Jakarta after spent my holiday..I think I'll write bout that later..

Anyway..do you know this phrase? 'IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING.' I'm quite sure that you know this phrase. But, have u ever really think about that phrase? As far as I can understand, that phrase means that you gotta fight for the things that you want..for your dreams..and so on bla bla bla. You have to think that you can make it although it seems impossible for you to make ur dreams, hopes, or whatever you want into reality.

Okay, for me, it's good if you have that kind of thought. BUT, think about this phrase.. 'NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE'..whaddaya think?

Well, sometimes you're pushed to look to urself in the mirror and say 'okay, this is enough for me and I've lost my dreams' even though deep inside ur heart you're still believe that u can make it. You're pushed to surrender even though u've done all it takes to make ur dreams came into reality.

NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Even the most impossible thing is POSSIBLE to happen.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yeaaa..akhirnya gw nge-post lagi setelah lama ga ngepost karena konpyuta gw d rumah rusak kesamber geledek. Zzz banget lah..haha..


First, I wanna say 'selamat hari lebaran, mohon maap lahir batin'. Yea, walaupun udah rada telat 2 hari tapi gw rasa ga ada salahnya buat mengucapkannya..ya kan?betul tidak?hahah..

Nah..saat ini gw berada di kampung. Far far away from Jakarta. Gw sedang berada d TEMANGGUNG. Pernah dengar temanggung kan? Baru-baru ini ramai di bahas lhoo. Yep..temanggung itu kota yang di gerebek sama densus 88 gara2 jadi tempat persembunyiannya teroris. Serem ya?hahaha..

Well, sebenernya temanggung ga sejelek itu. It's a nice place with a lot of interesting places. Pemandangannya juga bagus karena di kelilingin sama 4 gunung sekaligus! Ga heran udara sama air di sini maknyoss! hahaha..

Yea..gw suka banget ada d kampung. Setiap tahun pasti gw berusaha buat dateng kesini. Pulang ke kampung membuat gw seperti kembali ke tempat gw berasal -walaupun sebenernya gw lahir di Jakarta si-. Pulang ke kampung juga bisa me-refresh otak gw yang tiap hari teracuni kehidupan kota *caah..hahah..
Pokoknya..saya cinta kampung saya! yeay..

Udah dulu ah..capek ngetik pake henpon..hehe..
See ya..
im trying to write entry via my cell phone.. 1 2 3